Clothed, but barefoot, Katrina Kox is bolder than ever before as she delves into daunting femdom antics by farting in her submissive fella's face. He sniffs up her gassers, but he does not do so with a gallant approach, as he complains the entire tim... 7390 views
Submissive and agreeable boyfriends are the only sort of blokes stinky Katrina Kox likes! She has a fetish for farting in faces, and she loves when her lovers suck out and lick her gassers! Take a gander at her latest boy toy who is all about doting ... 12457 views
Katrina Kox has a mean streak a mile long, and for this reason, she doesn't fart like a normal female! She wants to spend her gassiest moments mounted on her man's face as she farts out foul-smelling toots that shoot directly up his nose! This fierce... 6820 views